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Approved products register

This register (APR) lists products that are approved for use on public water supply and drainage infrastructure projects managed by Wellington Water. 

Products are generally restricted to pipeline fixtures and fittings that meet the material specifications in the Regional Specifications for Water Services

Specialised items, such as pumps, radio transmitters and electrical components, are not included in this list. Prior to design, the designer should confirm the specifications for these specialised items with Wellington Water.

Where a product is not included on the APR, it should be assumed that the product has not been approved and its use would need project-specific approval from Wellington Water. 

Unfortunately, we are unable to process any new applications until further notice. Any applications sent to us will not be considered and no response provided. 

To apply to have a product included on the register please use the Product Approval Application Form (available below). Prior to completing the form, please check that the product meets material specifications for its proposed use, as detailed in the Regional Specifications for Water Services.

Please fill out one form for each product you want approved, and send it along with any accompanying technical product information:

Email to:
Post to: Wellington Water Limited, Private Bag 39-804, Wellington Mail Centre 5045, Lower Hutt, c/- Approved Products Register