Projects / New Aotea Drinking Water Reservoir

New Aotea Drinking Water Reservoir

Current status
All Updates

On behalf of Porirua City Council, we’re planning to build a new drinking water reservoir in Aotea.

Start Date
End Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Latest Updates

13 February 2023

We are in the process of preparing tender documents for the design and construction of the circular concrete reservoir.

We expect to have a contractor engaged later in 2023. We will then provide an update on timing, and details on what residents can expect during construction.


What will it be like?

The 11.3 million litre circular concrete reservoir will be alongside the existing reservoirs in Queen Charlotte Drive. This will help meet population growth and improve the resilience of Porirua’s water supply.

Why are we doing this?

Porirua’s water supply network, like the rest of the region, is vulnerable to seismic activity. The city is also growing. The new Aotea reservoir is part of improving Porirua’s water supply resilience. Aotea was selected as the preferred site because:

  • It is at the right elevation
  • There are already two reservoirs on site meaning much of the other infrastructure (e.g. pipework) is already in place
  • Sufficient undeveloped land is available meaning buildings do not need to be demolished
  • It has good access for construction
  • There is sufficient space around the reservoir to allow landscaping to reduce its visual impact
  • There are no significant ecological or cultural values associated with the site
  • It provides good value for money.


In 2018, as planning got underway, we held two open days to discuss the plans with the community. Public feedback was included in applications for a Notice of Requirement and Resource Consent.

Find out more here:

Notice of Requirement (PCC website) 

Approval of Notice of Requirement and conditions (PCC website) 

Resource consent certificate

All Updates

13 February 2023

The 2018 concept design was for the new reservoir to be partially buried, with backfill to a depth of approximately four metres (1/3 of the height)

Since then, excavation has been undertaken and the excavated material has been placed elsewhere.

The new reservoir will now be above ground, with landscaping and planting to minimise the visual impact.

The updated plan including the landscaping plan has been discussed with immediate neighbours of the site, and applications to vary the resource consent and designation have been lodged.


Proposed reservoir