Projects / Taupō Stream Catchment Stormwater Improvements

Taupō Stream Catchment Stormwater Improvements

Current status
All Updates

On behalf of Porirua City Council, we are working to reduce the risk of flooding in and around James Street Plimmerton, in the Taupō Stream catchment.

Start Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Latest Updates

12 June 2023

Joint update from Porirua City Council and Wellington Water  

17 March 2022

Update March 2023

17 November 2021

Update November 2021

Current Status

Potential solutions to improve stormwater management are being scoped.


Residents and businesses have been affected by flooding and State Highway 59 has been closed by surface flooding several times in recent years.

All Updates

12 June 2023

This is a joint update from Porirua City Council and Wellington Water.  

As you are aware from our previous updates, Porirua City Council has been considering recommendations from Wellington Water on stormwater works to reduce flood risk the Taupō Stream/James St catchments. 

Wellington Water presented an update on the Stormwater Improvements projects across the Plimmerton area to Councillors in April. This included an update on the Taupō Stream/James St catchment study and resulting scope and estimates. Following the workshop a recommendation paper was prepared for consideration by Council. 

You can find more information about Wellington Water’s recommendations on the Council website:  

The Council deferred consideration of these recommendations while it worked through the Annual Plan process, which has involved looking at all expenditure in the light of affordability for ratepayers across Porirua.  Council has not included any extra budget for Taupō Stream/James St in the Annual Plan, deferring this issue for further consideration. 

Longer-term funding decisions are complicated by the Affordable Water Reforms process, as there is not yet clarity about the timelines for establishing the new water entity in this region, entity “G”. 

What this means for Plimmerton residents is that Wellington Water will continue works within the existing approved budgets, but unfortunately it will take some time to get clarity on additional longer-term funding for the full scope of works recommended. 

The $17.9 million already committed to this work includes $1 million for debris catch nets in the reserve. Work on the debris catch nets is underway. 

Taupō Stream/James St recommendation 

The results of Wellington Water’s investigation in this catchment are that it would cost an estimated $40-$63m to resolve flooding of 20-25 floors + SH59 road in a 30 year rainfall event. 

Wellington Water has identified a three stage approach: 

  • Stage 1: East. An initial stage of work is recommended (circa $10m - $16m) to reduce overland flow from Camborne around James St + Greys Rd buildings by upsizing the existing Greys Rd pipes and James St intakes/outlets. 
  • Stage 2: West. The second stage (circa $14m - $22m) is to ‘open up’ the choke points in the Taupo stream (primarily two vehicle bridges and the overgrown stream banks) so it is ready for the increased flow from the northeast. 
  • Stage 3: North. The third stage (circa $14m - $22m) is to allow increased flow from the northeast to the Taupo Stream by constructing additional box culverts under SH59 and Ulric St and to attenuate the northwest flow from the Taupo Swamp by constructing a retention bund at the south end of the Plimmerton Domain fields. 

Wellington Water recommended progressing with design and consenting and Stage 1 works. 

Next steps 

The next step is to review what can be achieved within the existing budget, while continuing to work on proposals for longer-term funding. 

We recognise that this is not what the community wants to hear and apologise for the lack of certainty about the long-term future. Wellington Water and Porirua City Council will continue to work together to make progress where we can. 

Please contact Olivia Dovey at Porirua City Council on if you have any questions. 

Ngā mihi 

Olivia Dovey (Chief Advisor to GM Infrastructure, Porirua City Council)  

Lyndie McMillan (Wellington Water Project Director, Karehana)  

Terry Sage (Wellington Water Project Director, Taupō Stream/James St) 




17 March 2022

Find out more about progress on the project with Wellington Water's  March 2022 update  to the community on reducing flood risk in James Street/Taupō Stream catchment.

You can read and download the update here

17 November 2021

Read the November 2021 project overview here.