Projects / Paremata Wastewater Upgrades

Paremata Wastewater Upgrades

Current status

On behalf of Porirua City Council we are upgrading a 4km section of wastewater pipeline in Paremata as part of wider works to increase the capacity and resilience of the city's wastewater network.

Start Date
End Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

Investigations for the project start on 27 November 2023 and will take around two months to complete.

The work will consist of a series of ground investigations involving drilling bores and test pits along Papakowhai Road, Paremata Crescent and the centre median of SH59 to locate existing services.

While it won’t be overly disruptive, traffic management will be in place around the worksites for the safety of crews, pedestrians and road users. This will also result in some short-term loss of parking.

We have also planned hours of work to ensure minimal disruption to the local community, businesses and road users. In particular, where the work site is near Paremata School, we will be working outside of school drop-off/pick-up hours to ensure the safety of children, families and staff as follows:

  • 30am to 2.30pm for work near Paremata School
  • 9am to 4pm for investigations along Papakowhai Road and Paremata Crescent
  • 7am to 6pm for SH59 centre median investigations


Why are we doing this?

This project is part of a wider programme of work we are undertaking on behalf of Porirua City Council to upgrade the city's wastewater network, increasing its capacity and resilience for residential growth and protecting public health and that of Te Awarua-o-Porirua Harbour and local waterways.


What's involved?

The work involves installing a new pipe down the centre median of SH59 and partly adjacent to the rail corridor at the southern end of the works, and installing a connection into the new Porirua Central Wastewater Storage tank currently under construction. 

The project is currently in the investigations phase involving drilling bores and test pits along  pits along Papakowhai Road, Paremata Crescent and the centre median of SH59 to locate existing services.