Projects / Titahi Bay Trunk Water Main Renewal

Titahi Bay Trunk Water Main Renewal

Current status

On behalf of Porirua City Council, we are replacing the aging water main that carries drinking water to Titahi Bay.

Start Date
End Date

If you have any questions about this work, please contact:

Wellington Water, 04 912 4400

The pipe will be replaced in two stages.

Stage 1, from Elsdon Park to the northern end of Tangare Drive, in the Titahi Bay Road and Tangare Drive road corridors, starts 15 January 2024. 

Stage 2, across to Whanga Crescent, is in the design stage.  In April 2023 geotechnical investigations were undertaken on Titahi Bay Road, Tangare Drive and Whanga Crescent.  



Why are we doing this?

The existing Titahi Bay trunk water main is a 225 mm asbestos cement water main laid in 1963.

This work will provide a more reliable supply of safe drinking water to homes and businesses in Titahi Bay and will reduce the risk of emergency repairs and increase earthquake resilience.


What are we doing?

The new water main will follow a new route along Tangare Drive, rather than going all the way along Titahi Bay Road, as the current pipe does.  This change in route will mean less disruption on the main access route to Titahi Bay.

The Stage 1 route has been discussed and agreed with Ngāti Toa and Porirua City Council.